2 Book Lovers Reviews

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After a year away, Marcus Corvus and his cohort of Tungrians have returned to Hadrian’s Wall.  This time their mission is to rescue the eagle lost by the sixth legion in the first book of the series.

Anthony Riches is a master at describing complex battle scenes with large numbers.  He goes back and forth between the big picture battle to focusing on the individual struggles of the main characters.  This is done with complete ease and an excellent flow, allowing the reader to fully appreciate the strength of the Roman forces ability to work as a team, while keeping the reader connected to Marcus and his supporting cast.

This is book six in the Empire Series, and I can honestly say that I haven’t read a dud yet.  By the time I usually get this far into a series, there has usually been at least one book that felt rushed.  This is not the case for the Empire Series.  Each one has kept Marcus’ story moving forward, while constantly maintaining the same level of excitement and interest.

With The Eagle’s Vengeance, Riches has brought us back to where the whole story started, Roman Britain, and he is sending us towards Marcus’ end goal – revenge.  I am looking forward to book seven, where Marcus will face The Emperor’s Knives.

*5 Stars

The Eagle's Vengeance

By Anthony Riches