2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Sometimes for no particular reason I fail to connect with a book; The Library of the Dead and I had suffered this disconnect.

I’ve been trying to figure out what went wrong: it wasn’t poorly written; the premise was unique. I’m at a bit of a loss. I think in the end The Library of the Dead was a bit too young for this old man. At times I found that there were things going on that had no bearing on the story; perhaps they will have more of a bearing on the future stories, but you’ve got to get your hooks into me with book one before we set things up for the rest of the series.

I can appreciate the fact that Huchu has written a YA book without any romantic inklings, going against the grain is admirable. However, I’ve always said, even though I don’t read romance, most books need a little romantic interest; if the protagonist can’t be loved, how can I love them? Perhaps this was an influencing factor for my enjoyment of The Library of the Dead.

I’m sure that there is an audience for The Library of the Dead,  unfortunately, I’m just not it.

*3 Stars

The Library of the Dead

By T.L. Huchu