2 Book Lovers Reviews

This is my second go-around with Nicole Lundrigan and I continue to be impressed.  She has a unique approach to her subject matter.  Hideaway kicks off with a “you can’t do that,” but quickly escalates to a “what the *@#* do you think you’re doing?!”

Hideaway is told from two points of view:  Rowan and his little sister, Maisy; the two unfortunate children of Gloria and Telly Janes.  Lundrigan catapulted me directly into their dysfunctional family dynamic.  All at once, I was disgusted, appalled, and repulsed by the behavior of these two parents.  Great job bringing these feelings out so quickly.

What I have learned about Nicole Lundrigan as an author is that she is skilled and fearless, two essential qualities in creating fantastic fiction.  She attacks taboo subjects that are realities of life which we all need to pay attention to.  In addition, she develops twists that have all the subtlety of a Mack truck when they are finally revealed.

Hideaway contains an incredible cast of characters.  Each one brings something special to the book, revealing the evil lurking within the Janes family.  I couldn’t get over the selfishness of these parents and the lengths they went to for their own desires.

An author who can make you feel and think, is one well worth reading.

*4.5 Stars

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By Nicole Lundrigan