​​​This book is the true definition of a page-turner.  I was pulled into Sadie and Mattie’s story immediately, and with every chapter I fell deeper and deeper into the mystery of what happened to Sadie.  I would tell myself that I only had time to read one more chapter, but as soon as one chapter ended, I felt compelled to keep reading, it was an all-consuming reading experience.

The way that Summers wrote this novel worked perfectly.  With the popularity of podcasts and true crime stories, it was unique and current.  It alternated between the serial podcast and interviews with West McCray, a radio presenter who was trying to uncover what happened to Sadie, and Sadie’s journey in her own words, in which she was trying to seek vengeance for her sister’s murder.

I felt the honesty, sincerity, and deep connection that Sadie felt for Mattie.  Sadie’s life revolved around her little sister.  Forced to grow up much too quickly, Sadie assumed the role of primary caregiver for Mattie.  She loved Mattie with every fiber of her being, and I never doubted that for one second.  Sadie watched over Mattie, cared for her, loved her, and tried to give her life a sense of normalcy.  She sacrificed a great deal more than their own mother ever had.  If ever there was a character that I wanted to reach into my Kindle to hug, it would be Sadie.  No one needed it more.  With that being said, Sadie still had strength and determination that could not be denied or restrained.  She was a girl on a mission, and I was right there with her.

I was on Sadie’s side from the very beginning.  I wanted everything to work out for her.  With every turn of the page my trepidation grew.  We’ve all heard the horrific stories in the media, and I desperately wanted something good to come out of Sadie’s, I wanted hers to have a different outcome. 

I read this book in its entirety with a lump in my throat and an ache in my heart.  It’s not a book that you will pick up and just read lightly.  Every part of this novel will own you until the final page is read, and even then, I know that it will be weighing on my mind for weeks to come, of that I am certain.  This one is going to be difficult to get over. 

There’s a good reason why Sadie was nominated for a Goodreads Choice Award, it was just that good!

*5 Stars

By Courtney Summers

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