2 Book Lovers Reviews

A Forty Year Kiss

By Nickolas Butler

A Forty Year Kiss was an enjoyable love story between a couple who were looking for that second chance at love and happiness. Most of the romances that I’ve read are about younger couples, so it was nice to see an older couple’s story being told. I appreciated the fact that the author told their story with all of the passion, longing, and honesty that it deserved. The characters were far from perfect. They were flawed, not always likable, but that’s what makes it realistic.

Charlie and Vivian were married only four years when their relationship ended. A lot had transpired during the forty years since they had last seen each other. People grow, mature, and can change.

Charlie had taken a chance by contacting Vivian again after all these years, especially since he had broken her heart. He didn’t know if she was married or what her life and circumstances were. Luckily, she wanted to meet up with him again, too.

Charlie and Vivian had lived very different lives during their time apart. Easing back into a relationship was going to be an adjustment. Vivian had a few reservations, and rightfully so. After all, there were reasons why they had split up all those years ago. Throughout the novel, we get to witness them fall back in love, we get to know what had originally torn them apart, and we get to see what their lives have become. Not all the parts of their lives are easy to share, though, and someone is harboring a secret that could potentially tear them apart again.

All in all, A Forty Year Kiss was a good story about family, love, and second chances.

*3.5 Stars



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