2 Book Lovers Reviews

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By Andy Weir

Well, I have finally competed my Andy Weir hat trick: The Martian (video book), Project Hail Mary (audiobook) and to finish it all off, Artemis (book-book). Some purists might argue that I only read one, and they would be right, however, I have experienced three of his books each in a different way, and that works for me.

Weir is a unique author; his stories are science heavy in a science fiction setting. I think that different media work better for certain types of authors. Without a doubt, Andy Weir has done his research, or I have to assume he did, because I certainly won’t. The science behind the goings on in all three stories are well described. He spends the time to explain and justify the hows and whys of the dynamics of the story. When Jazz Bashara can jump 15 feet in the air, he explains the gravitational impact of the moon versus Earth. When Mark Watney grows potatoes on Mars, we learn about hydroponics. And when Ryland Grace breeds an alien life form to withstand certain conditions, we learn all the good and bad about mutations.

I found that this worked well in The Martian and Project Hail Mary, not so much in Artemis. The why of this I am not entirely certain. Was it the medium? When was I watching or listening, did the lecture I was receiving go unnoticed? Or was it the characters? Another big difference with Artemis was the quantity of characters. Jazz wasn’t alone, she had friends, enemies, and accomplices. I had a lot more alone time with Mark and Ryland, I feel like I got to know them better.

Despite the science lesson, Artemis was still a great story. Weir’s imagination continues to go where no man has gone before (or in the case of Artemis, where few people have spent any considerable time). He weaves a great story within all of the science and Artemis was well worth the time spent in it.

*4 Stars