All Roads End Here

(The Final War, Book 2)

By David Moody

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What David Moody has done with The Final War series is genius.  I find that more and more authors don’t know when or how to end a series and move on to something new.  I loved the Hater series, it was a novel concept in the realm of “zombie” books.  I loved every moment that I spent with Danny McCoyne, but by the final pages of Them or Us, Danny’s story was over, and I was good with that.

The Final War brings me back to this dark world, but with a whole new story/character to follow, Matt.  Matt lets us see Moody’s Hater world from the other side.  All Roads End Here runs parallel to Dog Blood, however, I felt while listening to it that this book could be a reader’s introduction to this world; a monumental achievement considering it is the second book in the second series.

Moody took his time building the scenario that Matt has found himself in.  I thoroughly enjoyed that, I mean, what’s the rush, with writing this good let’s take our time and enjoy this dirty, starving world filled with death and destruction.

David Moody is a fearless, dark author.  He is not afraid to take his readers to the places they don’t want to go.  He allows his readers to develop relationships with his characters and then slaps them with a healthy dose of pessimistic reality.

Considering my monumental to-be-read list, I decided to use my monthly Audible credit on All Roads End Here.  I was somewhat apprehensive about listening to Gerard Doyle’s narration.  I don’t have an aversion to accents, but I really didn’t want Handy Andy Kane of Changing Rooms walking me through this story.  Doyle’s narration was clear and exceptionally easy to follow.

*5 Stars

    2 Book Lovers Reviews