2 Book Lovers Reviews

Gone Tonight 
  By Sarah Pekkanen

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​​Every family has secrets, a few skeletons in the closet perhaps. But Sarah Pekkanen may make you question how well you know your own family.

Ruth Sterling loves her daughter Catherine with every fiber of her being. It’s always just been the two of them doing their best to get by. Ruth and Catherine. Catherine and Ruth. Ruth has shared very little information with her daughter about her family, about her life before Catherine, and with Ruth now exhibiting signs of forgetfulness, Catherine is determined to find out as much information as she can about her mother’s secretive past, while she still can.

When Catherine accepts a job as a nurse in a different city, Ruth realizes that she can’t let that happen. Any mother would have mixed feelings about their child leaving home. On one hand, you’re happy to see them making their way in the world, but on the other hand, you’re going to miss them dearly. Normal, right? Ruth’s interest in keeping her daughter close raised some very red flags.

Gone Tonight is told in alternating chapters between Ruth and Catherine. I loved this back and forth between mother and daughter. It was a gateway into each of their thoughts and lives.

As with any book in this genre, I didn’t trust any of the characters. My suspicions were always on high alert, I wasn’t sure who was reliable and who was being deceptive. That is the pull of these types of novels, though. I want to be uneasy, unsure, and try to figure out what is going on.

Sarah Pekkanen has written a fast-paced novel that is filled with suspense, shocking twists, and heart-pounding moments. Gone Tonight kept me riveted to the pages and wanting to discover every little detail about this mother-daughter duo.

*4 Stars