All I Stole From You

By Ava Bellows

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

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All I Stole From You was everything that I had hoped it would be. It was emotional, raw, riveting, and completely captivating.

Maggie Hoyt is an actress and occasional house-sitter who has been trying to deal with the grief brought on by her ex-boyfriend’s death. After a series of insignificant, fleeting dates with DJs, and after swearing off men, she meets Rob at a friend’s party. While she wasn’t at the party looking to meet anyone, there he was. You really can’t blame Maggie for her attraction to Rob. They shared an easy conversation, some great banter, and a kiss, but it was a little too good to be true, because Rob was wearing a wedding ring. Of course, he was. But they could still be friends, right? That’s where it got tricky. 

I loved the style with which this novel was written. It worked perfectly for this story. As Maggie recounts her affair with Rob, we get a better understanding of Maggie and how her relationships with family, friends, and boyfriends have shaped her life. I felt as though Maggie was having an honest conversation with me as she was telling her and Rob’s story. It was candid, eye-opening, difficult, and I could feel her emotions right in the pit of my stomach.

Maggie’s story isn’t neat, tidy, or wrapped up with a bow. It is messy, complicated, and filled with as much heartache as it is hope. Those novels are always among my favorites, and this book certainly did not disappoint.

*4.5 Stars