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Confession: This was my first book by Sally Hepworth.

With that off my chest, I can honestly say that it definitely won’t be my last. It’s been a while since I have read a book so quickly. Once I began, I didn’t want to put it down. Real life was put on the back burner, chores waited to be finished, laundry sat in the hamper, supper waited to be cooked, I had reading to do!

This book is everything that I look for in a domestic thriller. I felt as though I were a voyeur, peeking in the characters’ windows, eavesdropping on their most private conversations. It was riveting, scandalous, and I couldn’t get enough.

The book is told from multiple characters’ perspectives. This was the perfect way to tell this story. I would read one chapter, then want to read another, and another. My interest was piqued. I wanted to get inside the heads of this prominent family. To the outside world, they appeared to have it all together, but behind closed doors, their lives were filled with dysfunction and so many secrets.

I don’t want to get into too many details about the story itself, you can get the gist from the synopsis. This is no ordinary novel about a younger woman marrying an older, successful man and his children being dismayed over it. Oh, no! This novel is so much more than that. As the story unfolded, my suspicions were on high alert, it kept me guessing, and kept me intrigued until the final page.

I am so happy to have finally read this author’s work. I am looking forward to reading more by her in the near future. The Younger Wife will definitely be making my list of favorite books of 2022.

*5 Stars



The Younger Wife
  By Sally Hepworth

    2 Book Lovers Reviews