2 Book Lovers Reviews

My Top Books of 2022!

Well, another year has past, it’s time to take a look back and reflect on all that has happened and to look forward to what is to come.

This past year I haven’t read the quantity of books that I have read in past years, but I’m focused on the quality of the books and some really great books had to be cut off this list. This list has some new releases and some that have been kicking around for a few years. I’ve found some new authors to move to the top of my TBR as well as new gems from my go-to authors. These are the books that made me laugh as well as cry. Some are all filled with friends that I may have seen before; and others I will definitely see again.

Cheers! To a fantastic 2022 of reading, and here’s hoping that 2023 is even better!

*These books are not in order of preference.