2 Book Lovers Reviews

I love quirky books, especially ones that take a different look at things. The Humans definitely fits the bill. Matt Haig takes a fun-loving, yet deeply profound look at humans; all from the perspective of an alien, someone who knows virtually nothing about us.

The Humans starts off by looking at us from a very critical point of view; all the stupid stuff that we do day in and day out. Why do we wear clothes? The importance of hair. Why do dogs put up with us? This stuff was great for some good chuckles.

Eventually our protagonist discovers poetry and Haig poses some more serious questions. What is love (baby don’t hurt me)? Are we a flawed creature, simply existing to do violence to one another? What is the meaning of life? That is some heavy stuff and Haig really does a great job of taking a new perspective on these taxing questions. There is some great advice in here to make your life more enjoyable; nothing new, just the presentation. A lot of: stop and smell the roses, money can’t buy happiness & take the road less taken kind of stuff.

The Humans was an enjoyable listen (I went with the Audible version). I had fun, I gave some of life’s great questions some thought, and I would like to read (or listen to) more from Matt Haig. It didn’t blow my socks off, but it was a great choice to change the pace.

*4 Stars

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The Humans

By Matt Haig