When you kracken open a book by Michael G. Munz you have to expect the unexpected and accept the fact that conventions will be broken, you may even find yourself craving an ice cream sundae.
It has been a while since my last epic quest with Leif and Tracy. I was ready to have a few good laughs, and Munz obliged. After only a few chapters my wife invoked her “stop interrupting me rule,” I was compelled to feed her the never-ending cheese buffet.
Zeus Is Undead is a perfect example of Munz’s skill as an author, his creation of a fun, engaging story filled with groaner jokes and characters who know they are in a story. I appreciate it when an author turns writing conventions on their heads. Who says you can’t do that? Why can’t a character talk to me, I talk to them enough.
Munz did lose me with one convention. When I’m reading a story about the Greek gods the story shouldn’t be about the gods! The story is about the mortals, the gods simply show up as it suits them. They can help the hero out of a bind or throw a wrench at them; more often than not they simply talk about doing things without ever getting around to doing anything. Immortals just have no sense of urgency, I think that it goes along with having all the time in the world.
Zeus Is Undead is not Leif and Tracy’s story. Oh they are there, but in more of a secondary role. I would have liked to have seen them take on a more important role, or perhaps even a new mortal or two to take center stage for the gods to pester and harass. But what do I know?
In the end, Zeus Is Undead was fun. I had some good chuckles and a couple of belly laughs. It did its job.
*4 Stars
2 Book Lovers Reviews