​​I started reading this novel right at bedtime.  I’ll admit that this wasn’t one of my wisest decisions.  This is definitely not the type of story to relax your mind and bring you down a few notches in anticipation of a much-needed slumber.  I read this book late into the night, deciding to read one more chapter, which quickly turned into another…and another.  I love a good thriller, but what I wasn’t expecting was the high level of creep factor that this novel had (I loved it even more).  My heart was pounding, I was chilled to the bone, and I was glued to the pages.  Who needs sleep?

What happened to Molly Clarke?  That’s what her family wants to find out.  After going to watch her son’s football game, Molly never returned home.  They found her car, a note left at a hotel, and ruled it as a probable “walk away.”  She may have been the ideal type to walk away, however, walking away from her life and her family wasn’t really the type of wife and mother that she was, but who could really blame her if she had walked away from it all?  Her family had suffered the unthinkable, she was filled with grief, her relationships were damaged, to what seemed as, beyond repair, and perhaps her family would be better off without her.  But despite their fractured relationship, Nicole, Molly’s daughter, couldn’t give up the search for her mother.

The story is told in alternating chapters from Molly and Nicole’s perspectives.  This back and forth worked well, providing the reader with the perfect level of suspense.  I was equally intrigued by both of these character’s perspectives and felt that it pulled me deeper and deeper into the story.

The setting of the story couldn’t have been better.  The backwoods-y, isolated, desolate, struggling little community where everyone knows everyone else’s business was the ideal backdrop for this eerie novel.  I’ve driven through towns like this on road trips with my own family, the little burgs that make you wonder where the townsfolk shop, what they do for a living, and what makes them stay. 

Don’t Look For Me is a fast-paced, clever, edge-of-your-seat thriller that kept me guessing.  I highly recommend this book to any reader who enjoys a psychological thriller.  It was a spine-tingling ride from beginning to end.  I will definitely be looking for more books by Wendy Walker!

*5 Stars


    2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Don't Look For Me 
By Wendy Walker