Hell Bent

(Alex Stern #2)

By Leigh Bardugo

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

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With all of the fun that I had with Ninth House, how could I not read book two in the Alex Stern series. With that awesome cover and Alex going rogue, I was all in to help steal a soul from Hell.

There are good and bad points to any series; on the plus side I know the characters, I’m already connected from page one, I’ve made that conscious decision to allow them back into my life, so that’s a good thing and helps the story. On the downside: can the author keep it fresh and exciting, are they going to go to new places and develop the characters even further? Or will the series, become as an author once said to me, “same-y?” This is book two, Alex’s character grew, we got to know the supporting cast better and Daniel Arlington, well, he grew in many ways.

Galaxy Stern is a great character to go on a voyage with. She has a gift that she considers a curse, she has been given an incredible opportunity and she just does not fit in with the crowd at Yale. She has seen and been though too much crap in her life; she refuses to follow the rules. She makes all of the wrong choices with the life that she has been given and that makes for a great story.

The supporting cast: Dawes, Trip, and Turner each add their unique flavor to the story. They balance Alex with heart, fun, and soul, things Alex seems to lack in her life. Each of them brings a unique quality to the story and each of them are essential to make Hell Bent everything that it is.

Hell Bent has left off with a third book definitely on its way! And I, for one, will be reading it.

*5 Stars