My Favorite Books of 2020!

2020 has certainly been a challenging year.  One of the things that I enjoy most about reading is that it provides an escape from reality, and this year I needed it.  With that being said, no matter how much I wanted to dive into a book and lose myself within its pages, I felt distracted.  I wanted to read, to meet new characters, have new adventures, but the real world just kept sucking me back in.  Damn you, real world!  It took me a while to get back into my usual flow and routine, and when I did, I was transported into some amazing stories.  I didn’t read as many books as I would have liked – again, distraction – but most of the books that I did choose to spend my time with were wonderful.  These are books that stayed with me long after I finished reading the final page.

As always, this list features my favorites that I read this year.  Some of them may not have been released in 2020, but if I read them this year, they counted. 

May 2021 bring you an abundance of health, happiness, and a TBR filled with brilliant books!

*The list is not in order of preference.

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