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The Children on the Hill 

By Jennifer McMahon

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

Do you like dual timelines? Do you like twists and turns? Do you love shocks so big that you feel the slap across your face?  Then you will want to read The Children on the Hill.

The Children on the Hill is McMahon’s modern twist/homage to Frankenstein. There is no hiding it, hell, one of the characters has the last name Shelley. How do you make Frankenstein relevant today? What do you do for your monster (we all know that the doctor is the real monster)? How do you make your story unique and unpredictable? Jennifer McMahon has those answers.

I loved the back and forth from Violet’s innocent childhood point of view to Lizzy’s tainted adult perspective. I usually enjoy the dual timelines; I find that it is almost like two stories in one. McMahon does a fabulous job of building suspense in both timelines, she smacked me up the side of the head in both with twists and turns that I just did not see coming. In all honesty, I don’t think an author has shocked me more since Mira Grant’s Feed.

As a first-time reader (listener – I had the Audible) of Jennifer McMahon, I found myself wondering where this author has been all of my life. I definitely need to read more Jennifer McMahon.

*5 Stars