2 Book Lovers Reviews

The Suite Spot 
 By Trish Doller

The past couple of years have been challenging, but thanks to Trish Doller, I sailed away to the Caribbean in 2021, and this year, I was whisked away to a quaint island on Lake Erie. Books really are a great escape.

Good characters make a good story. I loved the characters in The Suite Spot. Rachel was a bit down on her luck, but she was a go-getter, a single mother who wanted to do the best for her and her daughter. While she had a history of settling for “good enough” when it came to romantic partners, she deserved so much more than just settling. I was on Team Rachel from the get-go, she deserved to find her slice of happiness, both professionally and romantically. When she decided to take the opportunity to manage a new hotel, she moved from Florida to Ohio to pave a new beginning for her and her daughter Maisie.

Now, Mason Brown…He was a character that I thoroughly enjoyed. Yes, he was standoffish and guarded, but he had his reasons. Trying to get his brewery and hotel up and running was a top priority for him, and Rachel had all of the knowledge in hospitality that he was looking for. Together they made a great team. I wanted nothing more than for Rachel to be able to chip away at all of his reservations. And a man who is good with children? Sigh. He was the full package.

As a big fan of slow-burning romances, in my opinion, this one was done just right. I felt every ounce of anticipation and buildup between the characters. I am a patient reader who loves having the scene set, getting acquainted with the characters and their individual histories, and just waiting for that perfect moment when they succumb to their feelings.

The author drew me in to the setting of this book. I could visualize everything as if I were right there with the characters. I loved the close-knit community that the island had, the interesting residents, and the whole overall vibe.

The Suite Spot was just what I was in the mood for. Having read Float Plan, I already knew that I was in for a treat. This novel had all of the emotion, humor, heart, anticipation, and romance that I want in a book in this genre. I am already looking forward to my next vacation with Trish Doller!

*4.5 Stars


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