2 Book Lovers Reviews

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The Trail of Lost Hearts 
 By Tracey Garvis Graves

When this author announces that she has a new book releasing, I immediately add it to my to-be-read list.

The Trail of Lost Hearts was an emotional journey. After a devastating and heartbreaking event in her life, Wren Waters is not sure how to move forward. When a close friend advises her that she needs to get out of bed, leave her apartment, and get on with her life, Wren soon discovers that hiking and exploring the outdoors is just what she needs to breathe again.

As someone who puts herself in the shoes of the characters that she reads about, I could completely understand where Wren was coming from. She experienced something that would leave anyone feeling as though the rug were pulled out from under them. Wren felt a plethora of emotions about what had rocked her world, and I felt them all right alongside of her. When an author can do that, you know it’s a good book.

When Wren decides to go out on a week-long trip to Oregon to geocache, she feels like it’s a step forward, but hiking by herself proves to be more dangerous than she had thought it would be. Luckily, another geocacher is there to come to her aid. Marshall Hendricks is every bit the outdoor and geocaching enthusiast that Wren is, and despite his perfect timing and well-meaning attempts at conversation, Wren is unsure whether or not she should trust Marshall. Again, it was easy to see why she was apprehensive, but in Marshall’s case, I was quietly advising her to go ahead and trust him.

What began as a solo journey for Wren and Marshall soon became a journey of two. Each of them was attempting to find some peace in order to dispel the thoughts and memories that plagued them. They quickly discovered that they enjoyed each other’s company and Wren was finding comfort in Marshall’s calming presence, and maybe even a few other feelings that she had thought were permanently dormant now.

Tracey Garvis Graves has written a moving, mature, thought-provoking novel that certainly touched my heart. There was an easy progression of the story that never felt rushed or inauthentic. Wren and Marshall’s journeys were certainly not without their bumps in the trail, and I will admit that a couple of things surprised me, but it was a journey that was well worth taking.

*4 Stars