2 Book Lovers Reviews

I Choose Darkness

By Jenny Lawson

This short read isn't my ​normal go-to, but sometimes you just need to mix things up a bit, add a bit of sorbet in between your longer, meatier reads. 
This was just what I was looking for.

I'm not sure if I've ever laughed so much while reading a book. I highlighted so many passages so that I could share them with my husband, but in the end, I just begged him to grab a copy for himself and dive in. Smart man that he is, he took my recommendation. I ended up reading it over his shoulder and laughing all over again.

Her story took me back in time to my own youth, filling me with a type of nostalgia that I could relate to. Perhaps my own memories weren't quite so eccentric, but there's nothing better than the familiarity, the connection, and reminiscing about certain items or events that may have been forgotten.

I have since added all of Jenny Lawson's other novels to my to-be-read list. If her other books are as entertaining as this short read was, then I'm in for a real treat! Oh, and this little read made its way onto my husband's top reads of 2022!

*5 Stars


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