Daisy Jones & The Six

By Taylor Jenkins Reid

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Some books are made to be read, but I think that others are best listened to. Daisy Jones & The Six is the perfect book to just sit back and enjoy the presentation. This book came highly recommended to me, my wife had gone back and forth between reading her Kindle and listening to the Audible. Her recommendation to me was to go whole hog with the Audible, and as always, I took her advice.

Now first and foremost, a great cast cannot make a bad book good. They can only enhance the story that the author has crafted. Taylor Jenkins Reid has written a fictional story here that is so tangible that it leaves the reader wondering if it could be true. She created this 70s rock band, on top of their game, that completely falls apart. It really plays on nostalgia, there are pieces that a reader can grab onto and find familiar. Daisy Jones & The Six could be a compilation of many different bands. I’m left wondering, could hell ever freeze over, are they never ever getting back together, or could there be a reunion tour in the works for all of the money they would rake in.

It so happens that I was listening to the Audible as I was watching the show, not at the same time, I would listen to the story on my commute and watch the show in the evenings. The show is good, but they have left out so many key points and pivotal moments, it has left me a little underwhelmed. I know you just cannot do a television show exactly like the book, the two mediums create drama in different ways. I liked the show, but I felt ripped off that I didn’t get to see certain things.

The cast on the Audible was great. You’ve got some very experienced and talented Audible performers putting everything they have into their roles. They enhanced the drama, and I could not help but laugh out loud over everything that came out of Warren’s mouth.

*5 Stars