2 Book Lovers Reviews

The Ex Talk

By Rachel Lynn Solomon

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I love a workplace romance; throw in some animosity between the coworkers and I’m all in. Oh, and this book is set in the world of public radio, a setting that I don’t believe I’ve read about before, so give me something different and you’ve definitely won me over.

Shay Goldstein has been a long-time fan of public radio. For Shay, the connection is personal. Getting a job right out of university at her local Seattle station was a dream come true, but her real dream would be to step out of the background as a producer and step in front of the mic to host her own show.

When the opportunity arises for her to host her own show, she wants to jump at the chance, but with most good things, there’s always a catch. She would be co-hosting this show alongside her workplace nemesis Dominic Yun. Oh, and to make matters worse, they would have to pretend that they had been in a romantic relationship that just didn’t work out. Yep, they would be lying to their listeners for the good of their show and the radio station.

For the characters, I could see the conundrum with this situation, however, as a reader, I was rubbing my hands together in glee. Forcing them to work in close proximity to one another and having them pretend that they had been romantically involved was just what I was looking for.

I enjoyed the story and the characters. They were diverse and they were interesting. They had their issues, quirks, and vulnerabilities, but who doesn’t? I certainly don’t want to read about perfect characters. I want to read about the characters who are flawed, those are the ones that readers can relate to on some level. Their vulnerabilities, grief, and struggles are what made them feel real. And how could I not mention Steve Rogers Goldstein?! He was just as unique as the rest of the cast of characters.

A big part of any romance novel is how the characters interact. No problems there. Shay and Dominic had great banter, that back and forth that I always enjoy, plenty of sweet moments, and a truckload of chemistry. Of course, nothing is ever completely smooth, and as I mentioned, I wouldn’t want it to be smooth and perfect. It’s the bumps in the road that make me root for them all the more.

*4 Stars