2 Book Lovers Reviews

The Key to My Heart

By Lia Louis

As soon as I saw that Lia Louis was releasing a new book, it immediately went on my to-be-read list. Did I need to read the synopsis? No. Did I have to see the cover? No. Ever since I read Dear Emmie Blue, I have been a big fan of this author’s writing, and she has never steered me wrong. She has quickly become one of my go-to authors. If she writes it, you can be sure that I’m going to read it.

The Key to My Heart was everything that I had hoped it would be. With a wonderful cast of characters, a heartfelt story, and fabulous banter, this book had it all. I knew that this book was going to be special as soon as I began reading it.

Two and a half years after her husband’s death, Natalie is still going through the motions of living life. I was immediately invested in Natalie’s life. I felt for her, I wanted her to find peace and happiness again. I always try to put myself in the character’s shoes, and in all honesty, I could completely understand why she would feel stagnant and lost. With that being said, I still wanted to see her living and thriving again, and I was more than eager to embark on that journey with her.

When someone starts leaving sheet music in the train station’s piano bench, Natalie is intrigued. These aren’t just any songs; these are songs that meant something to her and her late husband. This gives her a spark, something to focus on, a bright spot to her days.

Throughout Natalie’s search for the anonymous source of the music, she had encountered a few people who just seemed to “get” her, who understood her grief and pain, or who just knew how to bring a smile to her face with a few kind words or some humorous banter. Oh, yes! I particularly enjoyed the chemistry and back and forth with a particular friend.

As a fan of slow-burning romances, this one was done to perfection. Absolute perfection! The author took her time to develop the story and the relationship, never allowing it to feel forced or rushed. Everything transpired in a smooth and authentic way.

The Key to My Heart was emotional, romantic, and hopeful. I felt torn between wanting to read it all in one sitting and savoring every word in order to make it last. Upon finishing it, I was not only over-the-moon in love with this book but also sad that I had to say goodbye to these characters. This book will definitely be making my list of favorite books of 2022!

*5 Stars 



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