It’s that time of year where we get to lounge oceanside or poolside with a good book and an ice-cold beverage. Seriously, what is better than that? As someone who has a list for practically everything, I also have a list of books that I have been saving for summer vacation, you know the ones, those books that you have been aching to dive into but wanted to wait until you had the time to fully immerse yourself in them – and with limited interruptions from “real life.” Ah, yes, a little bit of R & R & R

(Rest & Relaxation & Reading). But you already knew what I meant by that. Well, if you are looking for some books to add to your summer vacation reading, I have a few recommendations for you. These are a few of the books that really struck a chord with me this year. Perhaps one of them will be a new favorite for you, too!

I’ve also included my own vacation reading list at the bottom.

Summer Reading Recommendations!

"Click" on the book title to read my review.

Not in order of preference...I loved them all!

1- The Women - By Kristin Hannah – Okay, this is set during the Vietnam War, not exactly a light, happy book, but trust me, it is so good! Right from the first page, Kristin Hannah pulls you into her story and her characters’ lives. I could visualize every scene from this novel (and sometimes even smell them). If you enjoy a lighter, fluffier read for your vacation (and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that), this might not be the book to pack in your suitcase. This book will make you feel a plethora of emotions and I highly recommend it.

2 - Expiration Dates - By Rebecca Serle – This was my first book of 2024, and it set the bar high. Every time Daphne meets a potential love interest, she finds a random piece of paper with the man’s name and the amount of time she will be in a relationship with him. Interesting, right? Would you want to know that your relationship was only going to last a certain amount of time? Would you want to bother? What if you were madly in love with him, but it just wasn’t meant to be. Heartbreak! I loved witnessing Daphne’s relationships throughout the years. I was hooked right from page one, and I was ready to fall in and out of love right alongside her. At times, I wasn’t sure where Serle was going to go with this story, but let me tell you, it was a wonderful journey!

3 - The Paradise Problem - By Christina Lauren – Set in a lush, tropical setting, now this is a vacation read! You know how I feel about this writing duo. If you want a good time, grab one of their books. Their novels never fail to put a smile on my face, and The Paradise Problem did just that. Of course, you can always be guaranteed to have a good love story with some tension (I love romantic tension) along with a good dose of steamy moments that will make you want to break out the fan or crank up the air conditioning.

4 – This Used to Be Us – By Renée Carlino – I had been waiting for Renée Carlino to release a new book for a long time. Her books are among some of my all-time favorites. I knew that this one had the potential to shatter my heart in a million pieces, but I was more than ready for it. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a reader who doesn’t need the happy ending. I know…scandalous! Give me an honest portrayal of love, marriage, and life, and this reader is in her happy place.

My Summer Vacation Reading List! 

​I probably have more books on this list than I'll actually have time to read, but a girl can hope. May the vacation reading begin!

1 – Better Left Unsent- By Lia Louis

2 – The Rom-Commers - By Katherine Center

3 – No Road Home - By John Fram

4 – I Could Live Here Forever - By Hanna Halperin

5 – Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder - By Kerryn Mayne


Happy Reading!

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

Summer Vacation
Reading Recommendations - 2024!

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