2 Book Lovers Reviews

The Strangers We Know 
  By Pip Drysdale

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​​Pip Drysdale has quickly become one of my favorite authors. She never fails to pull me into her characters’ lives and keep me glued to the pages.

The Strangers We Know had my interest piqued from the very first line of the synopsis: Imagine seeing your loving husband pop up on your best friend’s dating app. Now imagine that’s the best thing that happens to you all week...

How bad was this week going to get?! Oh, yes! I couldn’t wait to find out. That is what I love best about Pip Drysdale’s writing, you never know where she is going to take you.

Charlie and Oliver seemed like a happy couple. She was an actress, he was a successful businessman, and they were madly in love. So, why would he be on a dating app? My heart broke for Charlie when she discovered her husband’s secret. I was as incensed as she was over his potential philandering. But nothing is ever quite as cut and dry with these kinds of novels. Can you truly trust exactly what is presented to you? That’s what makes these novels so enticing.

The entire novel takes place over the course of a week, and there is no downtime, no lull in the progression of the story. Charlie needed to find out the truth about her husband, and I was right there with her, every step of the way.

*4 Stars