2 Book Lovers Reviews

​​​As soon as I see that Courtney Summers is going to be releasing a new book, I immediately add it to my to-be-read list. I don’t need to see the cover or read the synopsis; I just know that I will want to read it. Plain and simple as that. This novel is anything but plain and simple, though. I’m the Girl is everything that I love about this author’s writing, and it did not disappoint.

I was invested in the story as soon as I began reading it. The writing is wonderful, the characters are intriguing, and the story was chilling and relevant. In a world that values power, wealth, privilege, fame, and beauty, people will go to extremes to be a part of that lifestyle.

Georgia was the type of character that I felt for. I felt a plethora of emotions for Georgia Avis. She was young, naïve, superficial, trusting, and lucky to be alive. I wanted to reach through the pages of the book and give her a big hug and tell her that everything was going to be alright, however, on the flip side, I also wanted to shake some sense into her and warn her against certain situations and people. She was only sixteen. She’d had a difficult relationship with her mother, she wanted a better life for herself, and she was adamant about trying to achieve it.

I am not going to go into the details of I’m the Girl. That’s for each reader to uncover. This novel deals with some powerful and disturbing subject matter, but as I previously mentioned, it is a relevant story. The situations that occur in the real world are the scariest because they aren’t just fiction, they can and do happen.

I’m the Girl was a propulsive read. As much as I enjoy reading, real life does manage to weasel its way in to distract from my beloved reading time, but with this book, I shrugged off some of my other obligations so that I could just read a few more pages, and a few more after that. Courtney Summers delivered a well-crafted story that kept my suspicions on high alert, punched me in the gut, made my pulse pound, and kept me riveted to the pages.

*5 Stars


I'm the Girl 
By Courtney Summers

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