2 Book Lovers Reviews

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This book was unique, original, unlike any that I have read before.  The prologue starts off with a very shocking and dramatic scene that left me wondering where this book was going to go.  It grabbed my attention at the beginning and kept me intrigued until the cliffhanger ending!  What an ending it was!  I am so glad that the sequel (Pull) was just released and I don’t have to wait to find out what happens next – Yikes! 

Emma and David have both had troubled childhoods.  Each one has tried to deal with it in their own way.  Sure, you may be thinking to yourself that this all sounds familiar, that it is a common theme in romance books, but trust me, these characters are not your typical characters!  Emma has anger issues, while David gives off this calm and in control kind of vibe.  I liked both of the characters immediately. Emma and David have great chemistry that is filled with sarcastic banter.  David comes across as being an ideal catch.  What’s not to like?  He’s a good looking, handy, helpful, and kind young man.  Oh, but there is so much more to David.  I almost felt guilty for liking him so much!  How can such a nice guy do the things that he does?!

This book is suspenseful, romantic, and will keep you on the edge of your seat.  I loved how the author wrote chapters that provided the reader with a glimpse into Emma and David’s jaw-dropping pasts.  It may have opened my eyes to what they had experienced, but it certainly didn’t explain everything that I wanted to know.  This is an intense read that will keep your heart rate up and your mind racing!

*4.5 Stars*
Push - By Claire Wallis