​Fisher’s Light is a book of second chances.  It is a beautiful, heartbreaking, gut-wrenching story that was impossible to put down once I started reading it.  I honestly can’t say enough good things about this story.  It was an all-consuming read that had me feeling so many emotions right along with the characters.  I went from wiping my tears, to smiling, to laughing out loud, and then crying again.  Absolutely amazing.

Fisher and Lucy met while they were in high school, the same day that he enlisted in the Marines.  He wanted to do something important with his life and serve his country. He didn’t just want to stay on the island and get sucked into business with his father.  Lucy was always very supportive of his decision to serve, despite the fact that she would end up being alone much of the time while he was deployed.  They had a powerful love right from the very start of their relationship.  It was a love that I, as a reader, didn’t doubt for one moment. They just seemed to fit together perfectly.  Sure, they experienced hardships in their relationship.  Their lifestyle wasn’t always the easiest, but they did their best to make it work. 

Fisher’s time in the Marines, the things that he had done, the things that he had witnessed, all weighed heavily on him.  He suffered from PTSD that had him experiencing flashbacks to back when he was overseas. These flashbacks were incredibly vivid and painful to read.  Lucy tried her best to be there for him.  She wanted him to open up to her, not shut her out.  Fisher was suffering.  I could feel his pain while I was reading, it broke my heart and more than a few tears were shed.  Even though Fisher tried to push Lucy away, she was always there for him with open arms…until he finally pushed her too far.  My heart was crushed into tiny bits when he finally managed to push Lucy away.

Tara Sivec did a phenomenal job of creating these characters and making them so relatable and heartfelt.  Although there were times when I despised how Fisher was treating Lucy, I never for one minute believed that he didn’t still love her.  Oh, it still hurt like hell, but that’s what made this book so incredible for me – I felt everything with them.

After a year apart, Fisher wants nothing more than to win Lucy’s love back.  He knows that this is going to be an uphill battle, but he wants to make everything right with her again.  Fisher has changed over the past year.  He has been busy working on himself, his dependency on alcohol, and his PTSD.  Lucy isn’t the woman that she was a year ago either.  She is much stronger, but her love for Fisher has remained a constant.

The book is told from both Lucy and Fisher’s perspectives.  It alternates from the present day to the past.  It really allows the reader to get into the minds of the characters, and that is very important considering all of the events that take place.  I needed to know what they were thinking, why they did the things that they did, and how they felt.

I enjoyed their journey back to each other.  It was filled with heartache, tender moments, and truths.  It didn’t happen overnight.  It was a struggle, it was work, it was realistic.

This book gripped me from the very beginning and didn’t let me go until the very end.  Fisher and Lucy will forever be whittled into my heart.  Their romance was definitely one that I would categorize as one of the best that I’ve read.  A beautiful story.

*5 Stars* 


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    2 Book Lovers Reviews

Fisher's Light
By Tara Sivec