2 Book Lovers Reviews

Crave:  Part Two
(Crave Duet #2)
By E.K. Blair

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This book picked up right where the first one left off – thankfully.  I was eager to get back to Adaline and Kason’s story, although, I’ll admit that my eagerness was also met with a healthy dose of trepidation and unease.

This book is dripping with emotion.  E.K. Blair didn’t hold back.  She delivered a story that was raw, ugly, and painful.  There was no way around it.  With the subject matter and the way the first book ended, this part of the duet had to hurt.  My heart broke for the characters, I felt their heartache and pain right down to my toes.  The author didn’t just tell the story, she described every feeling and scene so that you could visualize and feel everything right along with the characters.

This duet deals with sensitive and difficult subject matter.  It’s not a pretty or easy love story.  I didn’t expect it to be.  I didn’t even want it to be.  E.K. Blair told this story in a genuine, realistic way.  There was never a moment where I felt that the story was farfetched or unbelievable.  If everything had been resolved smoothly and perfectly, I would’ve had a problem.

Whenever I read a book, I like to try to put myself in the characters’ shoes.  How would I deal with their problems?  Would I react in a similar manner to the characters in the book?  Quite honestly, I would’ve run for the hills during the first book in this duet.  I would have been living a quiet life somewhere in the hills before the first book even came to a close.  With that being said, I truly believe that the actions and feelings that the characters had in this duet were completely authentic and honest.  I never doubted the possibility or the plausibility of this story.   The hardest part for me to swallow is that these are real issues that real people suffer with, not just the characters in a work of fiction. 

This was a great conclusion to the duet.  It was a very bumpy road, but I was completely satisfied with the way the author ended Adaline and Kason’s tumultuous story.  It was a wild ride of emotions that left me feeling spent and worn out, but I’m glad that I took the journey with them.

*4 Stars