2 Book Lovers Reviews

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The Walls 
  By Hollie Overton

The Walls is a fast-paced book that pulled me into the story and kept me riveted to the pages until the end.

Kristy Tucker’s job is to work as a public information officer in the prison system.  She works closely with the media and death row inmates.  She knows the harsh extent of the crimes that people commit and the dangerous people who have committed them.  There is never a good day at her job, but it pays the bills and helps her to raise her son and care for her ill father.  Being an only child and a single mother, her adult life has been devoted to her family, often putting her own desires on the back-burner.  Her personal life takes a turn when she meets the handsome judo instructor who has taken a shining to her son.

With any good book, it is essential to feel something for the characters –whether you love them or hate them, a good book will make you feel.  I liked Kristy.  It was impossible not to.  She was a hard-working mother and daughter who put her loved ones first.  I wanted her to find her own slice of happiness.  She had a great relationship with her father and son, but I wanted someone to be there and care of Kristy.  Oh, don’t get me wrong, she didn’t need anyone to take care of her.  She was quite adept at being in charge of her own life, however, she deserved to have someone loving to share her life with.  Unfortunately, Lance Dobson wasn’t that man.  He wasn’t the man that everyone thought he was.  Underneath the charming, charismatic good looks was a cold, calculating, violent man who shook Kristy’s life to the core.

Whenever I read a book, I always try to put myself in the protagonist’s shoes.  How would I react in a similar situation?  I am always drawn to a book that makes me question the character’s behavior and, in turn, my own beliefs.  We all know that committing murder is wrong, but would we do it to protect our own loved ones?  I would like to believe that I would be above taking the law in my own hands, and that I would be able to put my faith in the justice system, but being a mother, I also know that my own son will always take priority over everything.  The Walls was not only an interesting and entertaining read, but it made me question what is right, what is wrong, and if I could justify something like murder.

Hollie Overton has written an intriguing book with a main character that readers will root for.  The Walls was exciting, relevant, and pulse pounding.  I was eagerly flipping the pages to find out what was going to become of Kristy Tucker. 

*4 Stars