This is the third and final installment in Tracey Ward’s Survival Series. Joss’ story picks right up where Tracey left us hanging in Backs Against the Wall. Joss, Ryan and Trent continue on their quest to free the colonists from the MOHAI.

Reading Tearing Down the Wall, I was truly impressed with the great, witty dialogue that Ward created. The back and forth between Joss and Trent, with the odd pieces here and there from Ryan. The dialogue kept me turning the pages (or in my case tapping the bottom right hand corner of my Kindle). This is one of her greatest strengths as an author.

It is weird when you know a series is coming to an end, especially in the case of an author like Ward (she is the Queen of the cliff-hanger). I “want” a happy ending, but I don’t want it to be easy…there has to be tension. Tearing Down the Wall is definitely tense, Joss is a constant threat to her own happiness; there are times I just want to grab her and smack her – she needs to stop living in fear of caring and accept the people who have come into her life.

I am sad to see the Survival Series come to its completion. It is a great series that has such wide appeal. Even though I am far from YA, I can see the YA appeal with a strong, yet vulnerable, young woman as the main character. But, it has the perfect balance of Zombies to keep the Zombie enthusiast, like myself, turning the pages. I can only hope for more Zombies from Tracey Ward in the future.

5 Stars

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Tearing Down the Wall 

By Tracey Ward

    2 Book Lovers Reviews