2 Book Lovers Reviews

                     Book Review:


          By Tess Callahan

*Top Recommendation!*                           


It had been many years

since I read  April & Oliver,

but when I saw that Tess

Callahan was reuniting

these characters in her

latest novel, I knew that

I just had to read it. I

pondered over whether or

not to give  April & Oliver

a reread, but as it turned

out, I was pulled back into

the lives of these characters

as if no time had passed. 

Read my review...

Week of Oct. 21, 2024​​​​

Book Review:

The Hitchcock Hotel

By Stephanie Wrobel

New Release!


A hotel dedicated to Alfred Hitchcock mixed with a reunion of friends – this story has all the makings of a fantastic suspense novel.

I really don’t know if there is much new that can be done in the suspense/ thriller genre. The same tropes appear over and over again – the originality is in the presentation and the characters. The talent is in the surprise. 

*Read my review...

Week of Oct. 21, 2024

The Dragon in Winter

​By Jonathan Maberry

What he's reading!

What she's reading!

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