By JB Salsbury

​I was only a couple of chapters into Wrecked when I knew that I was reading a book with five star potential.  JB Salsbury immediately pulled me into Aden and Sawyer’s story and had me completely hooked.  If a book entices me early on and makes me want to avoid my other responsibilities just so that I can keep reading it, I know that it is going to be special.  I’m not ashamed to admit that I did shirk on some of my daily tasks because I didn’t want to leave the story or these characters.  As an avid reader, I chase this feeling all the time, and when I find a book that takes me there, I never want it to end.

Wrecked is the whole package.  It has all of the elements that I love when reading a contemporary romance.  It has fantastic characters, a heartfelt storyline, humor, and plenty of romance that will make readers melt.  With every turn of the page, I was feeling this story.  In all honesty, I can’t sing this book’s praises enough. 

JB Salsbury created characters that I was immediately invested in.  I couldn’t have asked for a better cast of characters for this novel.  From the main characters to the secondary characters, they each added their own important contribution to the story.  Told from Aden and Sawyer’s perspectives, it gives the readers an insight into both of their thoughts, feelings, and motivations.

Aden Colt was a character that I was easily drawn to.  A good male protagonist is imperative in a romance novel, and he wasn’t just a good one, he was a great one.  He was rough around the edges, brooding, sexy, damaged, unhinged, and about as alpha male as you can get.  Despite the pain, guilt, and shame that he carried with him on a daily basis, there never any doubt that his heart was good and that he deserved to be free of his demons and live a peaceful, full and happy life.

As much as I enjoyed Aden, I must admit that I had a bit of a girl crush on Sawyer Forrester.  She was sweet, adorable, quirky, fearful, meticulous, organized, and had a heart of pure gold.  While she lived a well-planned out life, she yearned to be able to let go of her fears and experience life to the fullest.  But seriously, who doesn’t appreciate a good list and a bottle of antibacterial hand sanitizer?  Witnessing her trying to be more adventurous always brought a smile to my face.  There was so much more to her – more than even she believed.  She was used to living in shadows, playing by the rules, keeping a structured lifestyle.  With just a little push and some confidence, she was opening up to a world of possibilities and new experiences, and I couldn’t have been happier for her.      

“Because life is beautiful and terrifying,” she whispers.  “And we deserve to feel it down to our bones.”

Wrecked is a beautiful, unique love story.  Aden and Sawyer’s relationship was intense, complicated, and filled with need and desire.  I was rooting for them right from the get-go.  They didn’t have an easy road ahead of them, and they were both keeping secrets, but if two people were suited for each other, and could bring out the best in the other, it was Aden and Sawyer.  They were perfectly imperfect.

“You make me feel like I can do anything.”

His eyebrows drop low and his jaw ticks.  “And you make me forget.”

Wrecked was everything that I could have hoped for and so much more.  I loved every moment that I spent with these characters and this story.  This book will definitely be gracing my list of favorite books for 2017! 

*5+ Stars

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    2 Book Lovers Reviews