This is a lovely story of finding true love, loss, fate, and how every moment in your life counts. Filled with small town charm, When Cicadas Cry will tug at your emotions and make your heart flutter a little bit faster.

When you live in a small, rural community, your neighbors have a way of knowing your business…or at least speculating about it.  When Ashley moves to a small town in Missouri, all eyes are on the new, beautiful stranger – including Rem’s.  When he finally gets up the courage to approach her, their attraction to one another is immediate.

Rem has never felt anything compared to the way he feels about Ashley.  Their relationship seemed to be on a steady course to a bright and loving future together, but when a secret gets revealed, everything suddenly changes and things can’t go back to the way they were.  How can two people who are so deeply in love just end it all so quickly?  What happened between Rem and Ashley to make them throw it all away?

When Cicadas Cry is told from the past and present day from both Ashley and Rem’s perspectives.  I really enjoyed this aspect of it.  It allows the reader to not only see how both of the characters are maneuvering and coping in their present lives, but also revisits the past and shows how they came to fall in love.  It takes you on their emotional journey to what ultimately caused the destruction of their relationship.

When Cicadas Cry is very well written and kept my interest throughout.  It is a touching story that is as heartbreaking as it is heartwarming.  I look forward to reading more by Laura Miller in the future.

*4 Stars

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When Cicadas Cry
By Laura Miller

    2 Book Lovers Reviews