Until It Fades is contemporary romance at its finest.  It captured my full attention at the very beginning and kept me completely engrossed until the final page.  With characters that I immediately cared about, a story that is rich with emotion, and a romance that will make even the most hardened hearts believe in love, Until It Fades is a perfect, well-rounded romance that just hit all the marks.

Living in a small community, you can expect that everyone is going to know your business – your triumphs, downfalls, and your misfortunes. Unfortunately, once you’ve made a reputation for yourself in a small town, it’s nearly impossible to shake it.  Catherine has experienced her share of difficult times in her twenty-four years.  She made some poor choices in her teenage years.  She did things that, looking back now, she regrets.  Despite her attempts to move forward with her life, she still feels the judgment, hears the whispers, and sees the sneers from the locals.

The book is told from Catherine Wright’s perspective.  It is told from the present day, but it does have flashbacks to 2010.  In my opinion, the flashbacks were an important aspect to understanding what was transpiring in Catherine’s life at such a pivotal time.  While her past was complicated, messy, and raw, it did help to shape her into the strong, determined, resilient woman that she was today.  It didn’t matter how many times her situation got her down, she persisted and persevered for her daughter’s sake.  She did the best she could with what little she had.  Catherine wasn’t a perfect character, she had flaws, but that’s what makes her so real and normal.  She had grown and matured from her experiences, and while those experiences did leave her hesitant to love, trust, and risk her feelings again, she couldn’t help but want to open her heart to a man with whom she felt an undeniable connection to.

Let me just take one moment to mentally appreciate the fictional character that is Brett Madden.  I adored him.  You know when an author has created wonderful characters when her readers can feel their intensity and charisma jump off the pages.  She created the perfect love interest for Catherine.  I wanted them to find peace and happiness, I wanted them to lean on each other, to heal, and to fall hopelessly in love with each other.

K.A. Tucker has excelled at writing a slow burning romance.  I always appreciate when an author takes her time to develop the relationships between the characters.  This slow building chemistry added to the anticipation.  She allowed her readers the time to become acquainted with the characters, to become invested in them, to feel the emotions right along with them.  She didn’t rush any part of the story.  It flowed effortlessly and superbly.  I was captivated and savored every word as I witnessed Catherine and Brett’s story unfold.

Until It Fades is an impeccably written romance.  It is filled with realistic emotions, fantastic characters, swoon-worthy romance, humor, and so much heart.  Oh, and K.A. Tucker still succeeded at throwing in a twist that I can honestly say I didn’t see coming (shakes head in shame). 

As I was nearing the end of the book, I was dreading getting to the final page.  I didn’t want it to end.  I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to these characters and their story.  I could have easily read another three hundred pages or more.  When a reader can say that, you know that the book is a winner! 

*5 Stars


Until It Fades
By K.A. Tucker

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