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Her Spotlight of the Week

February 23rd, 2014

The Thoughtless Series – By S.C. Stephens

This has to be my one of my all-time favorite trilogies – EVER!!! I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I opened the first book (Thoughtless). This book contained the ultimate love triangle! The story was so raw and so real that it made you feel every emotion imaginable right along with the characters. Oh, the characters…!! The characters in this book were amazing, their feelings, their turmoil, everything about them just worked. Kellan Kyle could not, and I mean NOT have been better (well, maybe some of his bad behavior could have been better, but you’ll see)!!

Once I started reading, I didn’t want to stop. What a twisting, turning, rip your heart out kind of book. This book made me think about it even when I wasn’t reading it. That to me is the sign of a fabulous book. The second and third installments in this series (Effortless and Reckless) are equally as good and stress inducing. The gut-wrenching drama does not stop with the first book, that’s for sure. I enjoyed all three of these books immensely and I have re-read them numerous times (and I’m not ashamed to admit it!!). I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys fabulous writing, great characters and a story that will make you pull out your hair and have heart palpitations!