The War Within is a story of love, family, loss, betrayal, and mental illness. It is an emotional look at one woman’s struggle with the various aspects of her life as she copes with bipolar disorder.
Kira didn’t have a picture perfect childhood. Growing up with a mother who suffered from mental illness meant that Kira’s life was difficult, lonely, and filled with inconsistencies. Her mother’s illness ended up pushing loved ones away and out of Kira’s life.
Kira ended up making a wonderful life for herself. She has a loving wife, two beautiful children, and caring friends. Dealing with life’s ups and downs can be challenging at the best of times, but for Kira, dealing with the ups and downs often left her struggling to keep her head above the water. The stresses of life just left her feeling tired and empty.
Even the strongest relationships have their weaknesses – and Kira and Avery’s is no exception. The War Within is a fast paced book that takes several relationships to their breaking points. It is filled with drama, romance, heartache, betrayals, and a love triangle. I am curious to know what will become of Kira, Avery, and their friends.
*4 Stars*
2 Book Lovers Reviews