2 Book Lovers Reviews

The Last Plague By Rich Hawkins

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Rich Hawkins has done it right; a fantastic cover (yes, they are important), a synopsis that is just right – just enough to give the reader a feel for the story, but vague enough to make you want to find out what it’s all about.

At about the fifty to sixty percent mark, I started to think to myself, “please don’t ruin this for me, please don’t ruin this for me”.  On several occasions I have been reading a fantastic story, a real mind-blowing story where you don’t really know what’s going on, a real mind-blower that makes you wonder…Where did they come from?  How did this happen?  And then the author spills the beans.  More often than not, the cause never lives up to the possibilities going on in my own mind.  Rich Hawkins has kept the magic alive right to the bitter end.

The monsters in The Last Plague are a brilliant creation, and really illustrate Rich Hawkins’ gift of imagery and imagination.  It’s easy to go with the standby monsters, we all have an image of a werewolf, vampire and zombies.  All the author has to do is mention which monster it is and his/her readers will automatically have a picture in their minds.  Rich Hawkins has taken the road less traveled by creating a bevy of his own mutated monsters.  His intricate, graphic descriptions allowed me to picture, in detail, these monsters torn from someone else’s terrible nightmares.

All of this hard work would be lost if it weren’t for his cast of characters.  There is someone in this cast that most people could identify with, which allows the reader to better connect with the story and bring a more personal connection.

Rich Hawkins has created a horrifying new world that’s filled with death, despair and a tiny dash of hope.  This is a world that I would only want to visit through the safety of my Kindle.

*5 Stars​