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Strange the Dreamer


By Laini Taylor

This is my second venture into the kaleidoscopic mind of Laini Taylor.  I fell in love with her Daughter of Smoke & Bone series.  There was just too damn much in the synopsis for me to resist this new series.

There are different types of authors:  some are storytellers (they captivate you with their tales), others are writers (they expertly piece together stories that follow all of the rules), then there are the world-builders (these select few take you on epic journeys to unimaginable lands).  Laini Taylor is a world-builder extraordinaire.  I feel honored to be able to -for the brief glimpses that she permits me- have into her imaginative mind.

After I finished Strange the Dreamer, my wife asked me if I thought that she would like the book.  My initial thought was (and still is), how could anyone not love this book?  I know that some people get caught up in I don’t read this or I can’t stand that kind of book, but in the end a great book is a great book.  Are the characters blue, are there strange beasts, does the sun rise in the west and set in the east?  Who cares, this is the window dressing.  My wife has put the book on her shelf.

My advice to anyone:  Read.  This.  Book.  You won’t regret it.  And that’s all I have to say about that.

*7 Stars

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