2 Book Lovers Reviews

Stolen Away 

 By Kristin Dearborn

I love a story that starts with a BANG!  Kristin Dearborn has done exactly that with Stolen Away.  Right from the start I was pulled into a parent’s worst nightmare, your infant child stolen right out of your own home.  This sends Trisha into momma bear mode; is there a monster or demon more dangerous than a momma bear?!

Kristin Dearborn has created some fabulous characters.  As foreign as Trisha and Joel’s lives were to me as she developed their drug and alcohol riddled histories, I connected to them on a basic level – the need to get my baby back.  Trisha and Joel were not perfect people, they were good people living with and moving beyond the mistakes of their past.  I love a troubled hero or heroine, it makes their accomplishments all that more impressive.  In addition to her intricate protagonists, Kristin Dearborn did not neglect the supporting cast.  Every character had a history that helped to personalize them.

Stolen Away had a perfectly paced plot.  Kristin Dearborn slowed things down to develop the characters and the story, but when the action began, the story flew at a rocket’s pace.  Stolen Away had the feeling of a seasoned author who has been producing best sellers for years.

This was my introduction to Kristin Dearborn’s work, but it definitely won’t be my last.

*5 Stars​

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