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In the Moment
By Alison G. Bailey

    2 Book Lovers Reviews

Alison G. Bailey always writes with so much heart.  It’s so easy to get swept up in the lives of her characters and to feel the emotions right along with them.  

In the Moment may be a novella, but it packs a punch for a book of its size.  It’s a quick read that immediately pulls you into Cadence’s life.  Right at the beginning, my heart plummeted into the pit of my stomach.  I knew that if anyone could put my heart through the emotional wringer in a short amount of time, it would be this author.  She achieves this by creating characters that could be your own friends, they are likable and relatable.

In the Moment is a story about getting a second chance at life and love.  It’s about living in the moment and allowing yourself to follow your heart, throwing caution out the window and just letting yourself love and be loved.  Once again, Alison G. Bailey has woven a meaningful message into her words.

Cadence Fletcher is a forty year old survivor.  Her twelve year relationship with her boyfriend had run its course and they made the decision that it would be best to go their separate ways.  When she meets a handsome, sweet younger man, she can’t help but be attracted to him.  He makes her feel like the woman that she used to be.  He makes her feel beautiful and desired.  Who doesn’t want to feel like that?  But, the fact that he is only twenty-five years old makes her doubt their potential for a relationship.

I won’t get into all of the details of the story.  There’s more to the story than just the age difference between Cadence and Luken.  There’s another wrench that the author throws into their story that could potentially end them before they truly have the chance to start.

In the Moment is a fast-paced read that is filled with emotion, chemistry, and humor.  It has a great cast of characters that added a little something special to the story.  I loved Clayton!  I only wish that it had been a full-length book so that I could have become better acquainted with the characters.  I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to them.

*4 Stars