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Ice Steam
(Loving All Wrong #3)
By S. Ann Cole

When S. Ann Cole called her series, Loving All Wrong, she wasn’t kidding around!  Ice Steam delivered all of the angst, all of the heartache, and all of the crazy that I have come to expect and love from her books. If you are looking for a neat and tidy love story, you won’t find it here.  This love story is messy, flawed, and complicated.   

Alina and Davian were in love.  When his band finally got their big break, he begged her to follow him.  He didn’t want to give up on their love.  But Alina chose to let him go so that he could follow his dream of becoming a rock star.  She didn’t want him to miss this golden opportunity and resent her down the road.  They thought that their love could endure, could conquer the distance between them.  He promised to wait for her, to come back to her…but he lied.

Alina’s life has changed dramatically since Davian left, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is her love for him.  Davian has moved on, he’s engaged, and he has made his dream a reality.  Alina still longs for Davian and what they used to have.  She doesn’t understand how he could just throw her away as though she meant nothing to him.  But Alina has a plan to move to Los Angeles and try and get close to Davi again, to win him back.  What Alina doesn’t plan on is falling for another man while she’s there.

Xavier is the guitarist for Ninety Miles, the band that Ice Steam opens for.  He has had a texting relationship with Alina for several months and is elated to have her in Los Angeles.  Alina is attracted to the larger than life guitarist and finds herself torn between her feelings for him and for Davian.  The chemistry between Xavi and Alina is definitely electrifying.  But although she is getting mixed up with Xavier, she is still in love with Davi.  Mm hmm…things get very complicated.

Davian still confesses to love Alina, but he doesn’t want to end his relationship with his fiancée.  He also doesn’t want Alina involved with Xavier.  There is so much tension, so many lies, so many secrets and betrayals that I honestly didn’t know who I should or could trust.  There are many players in this wicked game of love, people who are meddling in their affairs of the heart and body.

Alina is faced with a decision.  Which man will she choose?  She has a history with one man, but the other could be her future.  Hearts will inevitably get broken.

Ice Steam is a fast-paced read that kept my rapt interest throughout.  It is filled with colorful characters that you will either love or hate…or love to hate.  I also enjoyed being reacquainted with some of the characters from the previous books in this series.  I am looking forward to seeing where the author will take their story from here.

*4.5 Stars*

    2 Book Lovers Reviews