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    2 Book Lovers Reviews

I Stand Before You
(Judge Me Not #1) 
By S.R. Grey

I Stand Before You captured my interest from the moment that I read the synopsis. As with many books in this genre, it’s based on the two main characters overcoming issues and tragedies from their pasts. What makes this book different? Well, I liked that S.R. Grey wrote the characters in a very realistic way. Both of the main characters are far from perfect, they are normal and flawed. Their lives are wrought with pain, guilt, loneliness, and shame that is a direct result of their past mistakes. They are both striving for a sense of normalcy, of love, and acceptance.

Chase Gartner is trying to change his life. He spent four years in prison, he did his time for his mistakes. He has battled with his share of demons since he was just a boy. From his father’s suicide, his penchant for women, his drug addiction, and his poor choices, Chase has had his share of problems. Now that he is back in his hometown of Harmony Creek, he wants nothing more than to pick up the pieces of his shattered life and be a better man.

Kay Stanton is just trying to move of from a past filled with sorrow and regret. She bears a burden that has weighed heavy on her heart and conscience for the past several years. Her family life is essentially nonexistent. She has become a lonely shell of a person who struggles to find forgiveness for her past mistakes.

Kay and Chase come together beautifully. They start out as friends who have an easy time talking and sharing their life stories with one another, but soon realize that they need each other much more than that. Their romance is not instant, it develops slowly, with much trepidation on both of their parts. This is what makes their story so good. Their slow progression and attraction towards one another is realistic and heartwarming. Oh, don’t get me wrong though…the sexual chemistry between the two of them is intense and steamy!

The book delves into the many problems that Kay and Chase face, not only as a couple, but individually as well. I did enjoy the way the author wrote the chapters – how they went from Kay’s perspective to Chase’s. It allowed me to have a better understanding and connection to the characters. Without wanting to give too many details of the story away, I will say that there is a plethora of drama, angst, and romance. I am definitely looking forward to the second book in this series.

4.5 Stars