2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Fury (Fierce #1.5) - By Clarissa Wild

The first book in this series was very good, but this one was even better! I love a book that is written from the male character’s perspective. It does follow the same story as Fierce, however, it enables the reader to really get inside the mind of Hunter Bane and to find out what makes him tic.

Hunter Bane has not had the easiest life. The only family that he has is his brother…and he is in jail. Hunter and his brother grew up in poverty and have struggled just to survive. Hunter’s brother has always wanted what is best for him and he wants Hunter to get a university education and break the mold that was set for them. Unfortunately, making enough money to help pay for that education involved becoming a member of a dangerous drug dealing gang. This is what landed him in jail.

Hunter wants nothing more than to free his brother from jail. He will stop at nothing to get him out. He makes it his mission to infiltrate the very same gang that destroyed his brother’s life and to bring down their ring leader.

It was hard not to feel bad for Hunter. Despite his cocky attitude, good looks, and killer body, he is a lonely man who lacks confidence in himself. He has had a learning disability from an early age. He has great difficulty remembering things that a normal person would be able to remember. This makes being a university student virtually impossible. Even when he enlists the help of Autumn, he is embarrassed and ashamed of his capacity for learning.

Hunter never felt like he was truly worthy of love. He realized that women would always be interested in him for his looks, his body and his reputation, but he never thought that he would be worthy of real love. When he met Autumn, he felt something for her that he had never felt before. Despite the fact that they are polar opposites, he felt an attraction and a connection to her. He never really thought that he would deserve someone like her.

The chemistry between Hunter and Autumn is very steamy. Their relationship blossoms and they develop strong feelings for one another…and not just lusty ones. I have always loved the whole “good girl” and “tough guy” relationship aspect. Clarissa Wild does an excellent job creating a male character who is rough around the edges, but who has a big heart. It is Hunter’s flaws that make the reader fall in love with him too.

4.5 Stars