2 Book Lovers Reviews

<--That's why I love Imogene!

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I have read and enjoyed all of the books in this series, but Faithful was absolutely FANTASTIC! I couldn’t have asked for a better story for Imogene and Cooper, it was perfect.

Faithful can definitely be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading them all (you won’t be disappointed). Reading Faithful was like returning to my hometown and seeing all of my old friends again. The author does an amazing job of creating characters that we can all relate to. They could easily represent our neighbors, our employers, or our closest friends and family. This is what makes her writing so engaging…it’s real.

Imogene is an outspoken, snarky, no holds barred kind of girl. Her life just seems to be in a rut, it’s stagnant, in limbo, going nowhere. She has dreams and goals for herself, but she just can’t give herself that extra push that she needs to make them a reality. She has been waitressing at her family’s diner since the dawn of time, yet still wouldn’t ever be described as a waitress extraordinaire. Her dating life isn’t much better. Oh, she has had her share of boyfriends and encounters over the years, but she has yet to find a man that doesn’t fit into the wanker category.

“Boobs will sag and beauty fades, but as long as I’m alive, no one will ever be able to shut me up.”

Cooper is an ex F.B.I. agent. He is happy to be living a quieter life in Hera, New York. He has a great job, new friends, and a hankering for a particular curvaceous and cranky waitress. Trying to get her attention is harder than he thought, but Cooper is a persistent and patient man.

The chemistry and attraction between Imogene and Cooper is intense. For a girl who gives off such a confident vibe, Imogene has a hard time taking a chance on a man who could be just what she needs. But I will admit that Cooper’s pursuit of Imogene was half the fun!

The dialogue and the banter in this book is second to none. At one point in the book I was laughing so hard that I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Faithful is a very well written book that is brimming with interesting characters that you will fall in love with. The story is romantic, steamy, emotional, funny, and heartwarming. I kcufing loved it!

*5 Stars*

Faithful (Fearsome #3)
 By S.A. Wolfe