2 Book Lovers Reviews

​Maybe it’s just me, but I found this fourth installment to be a little lackluster.  Sure, it’s been a while since I read the third book in the series, but I thought that I would be able to jump right back into the story with as much enthusiasm and zeal as I had with the prior books – it didn’t happen.  The story does pick up right where Entwined with You left off, but it doesn’t really go anywhere.  I was always waiting for something to happen, for the storyline to pick up and excite me the way the previous books had.

Eva and Gideon continue to learn how to maneuver within their newly committed relationship.  Behind closed doors they are husband and wife, but to the rest of the world they are a newly engaged couple who seem destined to fail.  In Captivated by You, the reader gets to see inside the mind of Gideon Cross.  The book alternates between his and Eva’s perspectives.  Gideon is the prime example of an orderly, self-possessed, dominant alpha male, but this book exposes the vulnerable side of Gideon Cross. We learn just how much Eva means to him – not just sexually, but emotionally.  I did enjoy this aspect of the book. 

Eva and Gideon have personal issues from their pasts that they are fighting to get over on a daily basis.  Eva wants Gideon to feel comfortable enough, to trust her enough, and to share with her all of the things that affect him.  She wants to be his partner in life and help him to face his demons.  She pushes him more than anyone else has ever pushed him before.  She isn’t the simple choice, the beautiful, easy arm candy that he is accustomed to.  She is complicated, feisty, and challenges him at every turn.  She is the only one able to crack his icy shell.  When Gideon is at his most vulnerable, we get to witness just how much he needs to be in control.

Their relationship is raw, sexual, passionate, and tormented, but their love is undeniable.  Is it perfect?  No, but they are working diligently to make their relationship healthier.  They are stronger when they are together, weaker when they are apart. Their jealousy and insecurities are ever-present as they are still confronted by past lovers who can’t seem to let them go. They do have a lot going against them – including many enemies from Gideon’s past who have finally found his weak spot – Eva.  It is obvious that Gideon will do anything in his power to protect Eva from any harm. 

Will I read the next book in the Crossfire series?  Absolutely!  I have become too invested in their story to just abandon it now.  I have been a fan of Eva and Gideon right from the start.  I want to see the series move forward and to watch them continue to grow individually and as a couple.  I am hoping that the next book in the series will captivate me more.

*3.5 Stars*




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Captivated by You
(Crossfire Series #4) 
By Sylvia Day