Before I Ever Met You
 By Karina Halle

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​​Will McAlister…sigh.  I don’t normally start off my reviews by naming the male character, but when you read this book you will understand why.  Will McAlister is pure book perfection.  Gushing over a fictional character isn’t something that I do all that often, but this character just needs to be celebrated.  He is pretty much the epitome of a book boyfriend.  Karina Halle has written a book that captivated me from the first page.  I fell head over heels for Jackie and Will’s story, in fact, I wasn’t really ready for it to end.

I am always drawn to a forbidden romance, and Before I Ever Met You was calling my name as soon as I read the synopsis.  It’s an office romance, a romance between a younger woman and older man, and Will is Jackie’s father’s best friend and business partner.  What could possibly go wrong with that scenario?    Oh, I was all in!

Jackie has returned to Vancouver to make a fresh start with her seven-year-old son, Tyson.  Her life hasn’t been easy.  She’s made some poor choices, but she is determined to mend her life and her relationship with her parents.  When she accepts a position as the executive assistant to her father’s best friend, she’s not only excited for the new opportunity, but she is also reminded of what a handsome and charismatic man her new boss is.

I adored these two characters - individually and together.  Jackie and Will had both experienced some very difficult times.  Jackie wanted to be a good mom, an invaluable employee, a daughter to be proud of, and to earn her way in life.  She was only twenty-five, but she had experienced a great deal in her young life.  Her experiences had made her cautious of putting her heart and feelings on the line again.

Will exuded confidence, masculinity, sensuality, and charm.  He was the whole package…with a ribbon on top!  When he saw something that he wanted, he went after it.  He was commanding, a go-getter, but don’t get me wrong, he was a patient, sweet man and a gentleman.  There was never a moment where I found myself not liking him or doubting his intentions.  As I alluded to before, he pretty much stole the show.

In all honesty, the relationship that developed between the characters, their chemistry, and the feelings this book induced was just what I was craving.  The book is told in alternating chapters from Jackie and Will’s perspectives, and I relished the opportunity to get inside each of their minds to see how each character was truly feeling.   I loved every minute that I spent with these characters. 

I would love nothing more than to get into every detail of Jackie and Will’s relationship, but I will refrain from giving away too much of this irresistible story.  If you’re looking for a book that is sexy, romantic, one that will sweep you away into the lives of the characters and leave you with a big smile on your face, Before I Ever Met You is the book for you!

*5 Stars


    2 Book Lovers Reviews