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    2 Book Lovers Reviews

Bare Beginner 
(A Pole Dance Novel #1)
By S.G. Lovell

​I really liked the concept of this book.  No, it’s not a book about an aspiring stripper.  This is the story of a young woman who has been struggling with her insecurities her whole life.  She has never felt good enough, pretty enough, or sexy enough.  What I really appreciated was that she wasn’t some weak woman who was just sitting around feeling sorry for herself.  Lexa was taking action, trying to make a change in her life.  She wanted to be more assertive, more confident, and sure, if that helped her in the man department, then so be it.  She decided to enroll in a beginner’s pole dancing class as a way to help with her ABC's of sexiness – Allure, Beauty, and Confidence.

Lexa not only has her self-esteem issues going against her, but she has also been sheltered by her overly protective parents.  They aren’t really keen on her being in the big city any longer than she has to be.  They are trying to convince her to move back home after she completes her university degree.  Her parents just love her and want her to be happy and safe, but they are suffocating.  Lexa had suffered an assault in a bar when she was still new to the city.  This left her with facial scars, but it also gave her parents more reason to want her home.

Jack Daniels saved Lexa the night of her assault.  There has always been a chemistry and an attraction between the two of them, but neither one of them has ever acted on it.  Lexa believes that Jack is out of her league.  Jack is just completely taken with Lexa and sees only the best in her. They get thrust back together when Lexa accepts an internship at Jack and his brother’s software company.  The attraction between them is still there, but when you throw in an older socialite/businesswoman who has her sights set on Jack, you’ve also got a lot of jealousy brewing.

This was an entertaining, well written book.  I enjoyed reading about Lexa’s efforts to break out of her shell and become the confident woman that she has always aspired to be.  I also thought that the secondary characters were well done.  Lexa’s pole dancing classmates, and her best friend Molly, all provided some great banter and wit to the story. 

*4 Stars*