2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Let me just start off by saying that this was one dark, crazy, thrilling book! I was hooked from page one and was shocked, disturbed and intrigued until the very last page.

Blake lost his last shred of human compassion when he witnessed a horrible act at the age of eighteen. Since then he has been caring for his brother, putting himself through the police academy, and earning money by contract killing. Nice guy? Oh, just wait until you meet his charming brother!

Ryan is a university student who prefers to keep to himself. He is quiet and unassuming, but underneath his quiet exterior lies a man who has a penchant for violence and deviant sexual behavior. If you want to meet a completely soulless character who is evil incarnate…say “hello” to Ryan!

When Melody finds her parents murdered and she is nearly killed herself, she is left living in the depths of heartache and misery. Melody is a nice young woman, she was raised well and loved her parents dearly, but now that she is all alone she feels as though she is drowning in loneliness. When Melody befriends Ryan, her fellow classmate…things start to get very interesting.

Melody’s first abrupt introduction to Blake leaves her agitated, pissed off, and attracted to this brutish man. Every interaction that they end up having turns into a heated display of lust and then a brush off. Blake doesn’t understand why Melody brings out things in him that he hasn’t felt in so long. She illuminates the heart in him that he believed was dead years ago. He feels better when he is around her and almost feels whole again.

I am not going to get into the nitty gritty of this story, just believe me when I say that it is one warped and twisted ride that will leave you with your jaw on the ground. If you like your romances dark and your characters even darker, read this book!

* 4.5 Stars *

Empathy - By Ker Dukey