2 Book Lovers Reviews

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Wow! This one hits all the nails on the head.

1- The cover kicks butt, just like all of his books!

2- Taking the tried and true storyline and making it fresh and exciting – check and check!

3- Creating great characters that I can immediately connect with; "shut the front door, daddy’s reading!"

Devoured is one of the top books that I have read so far this year. It is a fresh new look at the post-apocalyptic genre. These monsters are not your typical PA slow- moving, brain- eating zombies…what are they? You’ll have to read it yourself to find out.

Jason Brant has created two excellent characters who carry this story from beginning to end. Lance is our “hero”, if we can call him that; he has been kicked down and beaten up (both literally and figuratively) more times than he can count. He is the underdog, and everybody loves the underdog. Then there is Cassie…the babe with the battle axe. She is the exact opposite of Lance, everything that he could ever want to be. These two pulled me so far into the story that I didn’t want to stop reading. I think this was the first time ever that it was Shelley (my wife) who wanted to stop reading before me.

All I can say is that this is another “hit out of the park” for Jason Brant. The worst part about finishing Devoured…the story was over. The best part about finishing Devoured…looking forward to reading Consumed and Ravaged. I’m lucky to have the whole omnibus on my Kindle!

5 Stars

Devoured – By Jason Brant